Wednesday, October 29, 2008

the Left-Right to Choose

From the beginning of these confessions, i’ll place at your feet, oh Master, the meat of my capture:

Vote if you must! But don’t cry when i suggest there is no decision. The jagged cogs labeled Media, those moving this massive machine, don’t tell you what to think. We’ve known that for quite some time now. No, the Medias tell you what to think about. Saying as such, it is quite obvious you should vote for Politician A & not Politician B. (Notice how i’m trying to avoid naming conventions.)

Because it really doesn’t matter what you think. It doesn’t matter what side your penis or boob(s) hang. If it’s to the left or to the right, the majority who has the power to “choose” have been supplanted to move in a certain direction.

“How?” you ask. By being given the answer, i answer.

“The answer to what?” you retort. For whom to vote for, i reply.

“And who controls this mighty machine, (& jagged Media cogs included)?” you retort some more. “That is for you to decide; though i have my suspicions, i really don’t care,” i reply some more.

“Why?” If i cared to find the identity of the master controller, i believe & thus confess, i’d first need as many hands as a Hindu Goddess to be able to point in the right direction. Or at least in the vicinity of the right direction. Secondly, i’d have to investigate; learn more; feed more. In turn, my feeding would naturally be supplanted by a source, quite possibly from the master controller, whoever they may be.

“And what’s wrong with that?” you quickly ask. i’m trying to avoid falling into a trap. These damn traps are everywhere you know.

“Then what, dear tell me, is this whole political process for, if it’s all a sham as you want us all to believe? You do want us to believe it’s a sham, don’t you?” i lovingly smile, wring my hands & smile some more after thinking awhile to say, “It is all apart of the show, for it must go on. How easy is it for, let’s say, a plumber named Joe – sorry Joe, i know you’ve been getting barrels of shit lately – to be plumbing away three years out of four, then get absorbed into the social political stream? Quite easy, given our current cultural state i’d say. Medias galore. Now add all the Joes & what do you get? A mass of Joes.”

“What is causing you so much pain that you have to wring your hands?” you perceptively ask. i wring my hands because it seems as if you want to believe so much in this illusion, no matter what can be said about it, i simply reply.

And this show could go on… but i’ve lost interest & have given my loyal readers/masters what they came for. What’s this? You want more? Hold on a sec. The instructions for this thing say: Taking the skin off may not just be more enjoyable for your mouth, but it also may help your body as well. Skinless meat has less fat than meat with the skin left on it. While boneless skinless meats are available in the supermarket, you can get more and spend less money if you skin and debone the meat yourself. No shit, that’s what i’m trying to do here, Fucker. In this section, we'll teach you how to skin and debone a meat. Finally. To make the first cut, insert the knife into the front. Work the knife and cut along one side to the back of the bone. It is important to cut as close to the bone as possible. Cut down the other side to the back of the bone and remove it. Cut down the other side to the back of the bone and remove it. Cut down the other side to the back of the bone and remove it. Who wrote these instructions? Oh well, here we go! Ughnnnn %$&*@ uhgnnnnnn huah @$$% arggggg ahhhhhhhhh!!! Wow! That wasn’t hard at all. So, here you are dear Reader, here’s my Leg.

“Yummy, but there’s too much fat. So, earlier you said it didn’t matter what i thought because the masses have been told what to think & they are the one’s who will ultimately choose. But you forget really negligently that I, like everyone else, can choose, that I have the Freedom of Choice, to decide between A or B. What say you now?” Did you just say ‘what say you now’? Who taught you how to talk/read/write? Where did you learn to engage a conversation? Do the people surrounding you talk like that? To answer you though i feel i’d be repeater, this Scepter of Choice you wave at me is really just a stick all prettied up. Like my face. What i’m saying is there is no Scepter, & like me there is no face. If there were, it’d all be apart of the same system, the same machine, the same illusion created to contain the current state of coveted existence. Hint Hint.

Here’s another approach. Try hard as hell may heat to separate yourself from all your emotions, from all your past & whatever you think you may know. If you know nothing, then i agree, recognize our mutual situation & invite you to a Beer – my treat.

Now that you’ve separated from all the past, get a blanket cuz it might get cold. Better? Okay. After much internal wrestling, which is still going on despite the dried & fresh blood; whole & broken teeth; chunks of hair, some of which is attached to layers of flesh; bits of ears; tips of fingers; skin scrapings; wrangled veins; innocent parasitic bystanders; offal; bone marrows; solid & mushy feces; spit; animal parts – hey, how did those get in there? i only eat vegetables – urine & bone fragments; i’ve decided not to pastes an editorial from the New York Times below (an article that had appeared in print October 24, 2008, on page A30 of the New York edition (Shhhh, don’t tell anyone i live in New York City…)). i’ve decided against my torn Will not to paste the editorial though doing so would provide an example of jagged Media cogs churning away, a leaning comparison, if you will. The name of the editorial is/was “Barack Obama for President”. After reading it all, if you could (i had to huff ‘n puff a lunch bag every other paragraph (no, i don’t smoke cigarettes)), doesn’t the “choice” seem one-sided, if not almost gone? Thanks Media.

Before you cry foul, remember how i do not promote Candidate A over B, nor B over A, or even A minus B +2C. Remember that.

Yeah, there’s multiple comparisons on these Internets. So, to balance scales here’s an article not-so-lengthy, curiously so, drawn from The Dallas Morning News titled “We recommend John McCain for president” (shhhhhh don’t tell anyone i was in Dallas).

Better yet, to add a meta-tone to this blogpie, an news article about news articles titled “Why McCain is getting hosed in the press” should do the trick. Yummmmm! Enjoy the full flavor.

Setting the scales of justice aside, the first editorial above had summarized the eight years of political plunder quite well. Here’s the bit that caused me to fit:

“The United States is battered and drifting after eight years of President Bush’s failed leadership. He is saddling his successor with two wars, a scarred global image and a government systematically stripped of its ability to protect and help its citizens — whether they are fleeing a hurricane’s floodwaters, searching for affordable health care or struggling to hold on to their homes, jobs, savings and pensions in the midst of a financial crisis that was foretold and preventable.”

The summarization required immortalization along side another immortal quote i had once used (on November 6, 2006 to be exact) to describe, in hindsight, what eventually became:

Adlai Stevenson once said, "In a democracy, people usually get the kind of government they deserve" – a fine stake driving itself through the heart of Amerika's current status. To some it was a clear victory. To others it was a straight-out bummer.

But regardless of the turnout, it’s going to be beautiful to watch it all come down upon the weak, yet massive foundation supporting it. Building a hut out of straw sure is going to suck for the Pig, but that’s what the power hungry Piglets & Fatback Swine get…

Here’s a real life conversation i had with a friend the other day, here’s how it kinda went:

Dash: “Fox News is the best.”
Dot: “Foxes are sly creatures. God made them to keep the hens alert.”
Dash: “Yeah. Did you watch the debate?”
Dot: “Nay, the contest – if is even is such a thing – is a no brainer.”
Dash: “Then no brain me.”
Dot: “When people do not even know what ‘truth’ is, they are easily led astray. Arguments out of context about statements taken out of context. The system has chosen its savior/sacrifice.”
Dash: “Totally”
Dot: “Did you watch the debate for homework or for shits ‘n giggles?”
Dash: “Shits ‘n giggles”
Dot: “I watched ‘Fido’ instead; i figured it was the same thing. Have you seen ‘Quarantine ’? It’s quite good – ‘A’ material.”
Dash: “Thought about it.”
Dot: “Like with voting, don’t think too hard about it. The masses don’t (think hard; they let others think for them…). Fido was awesome.”
Dash: “Fido is Great .”
Dot: “Totally – i am exercising my right not to vote.”
Dash: “Not voting anyway either.”
Dot: “Amen”

There you have it: If the Vote hangs by one or two hands, part of it would be my fault. And you, faithful Master, are reading the proof of my guilt. But i’m not worried. Day by day, month by month the bandwagon has been growing. We’ll see if they show up too the booths & put an end to this zombie-ism.

In a different real-life conversation a valid argument had been presented (what became a needed reminder) how the Vote was an important moment in our lives, considering the history building up, as it were, to this moment; and we were all apart of it. As such, how could i (your Captain Author) throw away my opportunity to at least say “i was there & i swung my bat.” Okay, okay, her words didn’t flow downstream in that manner, but it was the gist of the mist i was able to capture.

She was right. There was way too much emotion attached to the Vote. How can i ask you to forget a part of your humanity to consider logically & stoically the question of weighing two elements, Candidate A & B, as unbiased as an objective chemist? Well, all i can say is, “Try, Damn it!! Try hard as Rhino-fuck to be objective.”

“Lock your Subjective in the cellar no matter how horrifying it yells ‘Dead by Dawn!! Dead by Dawn!!’ Then & only then will Chance fornicate itself upon thee, planting its seeds into your fertile mind. Ohhhh your mind is sooooooooo fertile!”

(Now is there any question why the Medias kill for your attention, for that virgin landscape below, equal & above your brow?).

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