Sunday, February 3, 2008

@ = RFID

The factory works under my cap crawled 'n cracked to an RFID-monster-of-an-article. Despite the ugly brute, my ghost whispers, "Things in & of themselves lack a moral dimension." It is a reminder i’ve set to random & loop especially at times when loopy contemplations are running wild 'n about such topics as the said mammoth of an article; daunting prospects by sticking its finger in the knows of our future with/of RFID's. The title of the beast is “Microchips everywhere: A future vision”. Here we have predictions, as well as quoted pros & cons, and maybe, as in the original Greek:

"----? ? --?--?-- ------??; ? ??--? ???? ??--?--?---- --?? --??--µ?? --?? --?????; --??--µ?? ----? --?--??--?? ------?; ?--? ? --??--µ?? --?--?? ???'."

Or in King James' version:

"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

That was a monkeyshine. Here's Monkeyshines. There's yet another:

It'd be easy of me to preach on this pulpit-type blog, but i would first have to wonder to what ends would my means take shape. Whipped on top of the peach is an instinctive response of repulsion; who'd want to surrender themselves to a firing squad of lectures, dogmatic conversions or proselytizing? But a preachy peach can't be eaten any other day than Sunday, so let's shake off our wigs & robes and try to be neutral: Eat the peach. Allow teeth to sink past the fuzzy navel. Lap the squirting, secreting juices. Dig the tongue deep enough to touch the pit. Through this neutral process we can, hopefully, fearfully, nip the core of the matter square in the balls, or to be consistent with the analogy, in the ovaries. (This neutral approach might work… as it has been hoped to work… by other professionals & friends of these professionals & friends of these friends of the professionals... which would eventually end up qualifying you & me (notice "me," not "i").)

After a second reading it appears that i may have been unclear about the peach along with the other cloud-surfings. Of all those peaches on a peach farm, including the unripe dangling ones & those multi-quality ‘n collected into baskets, the last peach i was promoting was the Peach of Neutrality: The taste has its merits like the way different herbs & spices are known to have their qualities.

Further thought – something i had not intended to share, much less intended to conceive – paradox? – leads me to think that the Peach of Neutrality once consumed, under the human paradigm, would be something like Objectivism. Of course, that is as the Consumer is under the influence of the Peach of Neutrality; the consumer’s qualities determine his/her objectivism. (So does pure objectivism exist? (If no, it is a fate shared by journalism. If yes, please show me how.))

[From left field] If we're to multiply Consumers, we'd have a demarcated society.
Now, from the outside-in, you’d have cameras…

We may not agree on the speed of change, the cycle if you Will, that hassled up our present; but it appears as if we, as a collective, as a society, have slowly surrendered our rights to an Orwellian prediction of what has become our present. (Wait! Was that a vacuous statement self-possessed of simpler statements that in such a way made it logically true, whether the simpler statements are factually true or false? Was that a tautology, or was that a tautology? Here's tautology of the second nature: "United States President George W. Bush, before the Unity Journalists of Color convention on August 6, 2004, is quoted as saying (with regard to Native American tribes), 'Tribal sovereignty means that, it's sovereign. You're a — you've been given sovereignty, and you're viewed as a sovereign entity. And, therefore, the relationship between the federal government and tribes is one between sovereign entities.' That one can be found at the White House.)

No matter, the repeat is that we have slowly, yet surely become a surveillance society. Nothing new there, but if it comes as a surprise, turn off the tube & recycle a bit off the black screen: what rights have we handed over while trying to remain “free”? Did we have freedoms before cameras began budding around town? Why do i care, i look good on cameras anyway? How many times have i come close to dying & not know how a camera saved me? (Note: are these the beginnings of a surveillance church/religion, whereby material salvation is guaranteed by the devotion to those who can protect a livelihood?)

i just considered how T.V. sets may be watching you with hidden cameras.

Aside from the machines & air i need to strike digital ink, i live in a box. Quite obvious, i know, so, a boring life would have nothing to worry about. Opening the Dupe-tube would be a dangerous proposition to check. Otherwise i'd nullify the warranty.

"Otherwise i'd nullify the warranty." – There’s a progressive stance. On! And upwards! Towards UTOPIA!!

The utopian dream is yet to die off, to take a break or fade from public & private spotlight – The "future" (told to us with ulterior motives, hence the quotes) is now & ever making. Why not contribute to a better tomorrow? A machine can live the drearier part of my life…

What i can't determine is if all this, RFID's & T.V. sets filled with cameras, is for the best or for the worse. What do i have to hide if i'm not doing any wrong? Don't i gain from learning about my culture, my humanity through RFID's & T.V. sets filled with cameras? Sure, forces outside my own will know me better than myself. These forces can help relieve the strain of this overwhelming freedom of choice. But where has my Will shrunk? ("DRINK ME" the bottle says; "EAT ME" the muffin says (if only the Will could change in shape by drinking & eating things ) .)


We must be at a point in our evolution where we can’t trust each other enough not to be watching & recording each other’s behavior. Or is this another myth being forced upon us?

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