Saturday, July 14, 2007

Fair Thee Well, Arms

Sometimes when i stretch my arms towards the sky, something i do naturally because the stretch feels good, i get scared that i'd set off my superhuman abilities & accidentally fly straight through the ceiling, crashing through the stories above me & up into the atmosphere. If i'm lucky, i'd be first classified as a U.F.O. then later denied & re-categorized as a human shaped helium-filled condom. If i get luckier, the U.S. Air Force will think i'm dangerous & try to shoot me down. But this is all unlikely. If anything my superhuman abilities will get bored going up, up & away, and i mostly fear that they'd shut off & let me free fall until i'm this close <------------> to becoming one, mind, body & spirit, with the ground.

Another related fear is due to the possibility that when i stretch, the stretch keeps stretching & my arms keep going, ripping on & off of my body. My arms have a mind of their own, and the trouble they'd get into worries me because my arms have fingerprints – a representation or summarization of who i am. Just as the police ask the police. Who knows the dirty, slimy, gritty things my arms & hands will touch once they're on their own.

Another fear i get when i stretch my arms is that i'll stay stuck in stretch. Then i'd have to comb my hair, drive, introduce myself & eat with my penis' hands. Yep, my penis is so big it has its own hands. i'd also have to stump my legs just to get through doors & into elevators. The police would think i'm admitting guilt by sticking my hands up without being told to do so, kind of like pulling over before a cop has had the chance to turn on his party lights & siren. Strangers would think i'm excited to see them, and freak when i don't hug back. Lecturers would get annoyed, rollercoaster rides would be denied and running would be an almost impossibility. At least my armpits wouldn't stink as much.